Saturday, June 10, 2006

Photo shows the Savisthri members of Galle, Matara, Moneragala, Anuradhapura, Matale and NuwaraEliya Districts holding a protest campaign together to exert impacts on the government to do justice to the tsunami victims. Members of the Southern Fisheries Organization too gave their support.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

"SAVISTHRI " National Women's Congress held on 09.03.2005 Special Events of the National Women's Congress - 2005

SAVISTHRI National Women's Congress for the year 2005 was held on the theme "a woman could create a better world to live in" at the Telwatta Temple, Galle which District was severely affected by the tsunami catastrophe which battered the coastal belt of Sri Lanka on 26.12.2004.

On the same day in the evening a Bodhi Pooja with 1000 lighted oil lamps was held at the Ranpath Viharaya Telwatta to invoke blessings on the displaced and the injured and convey merit on the dead.

Photo shows the Savisthri members of Galle, Matara, Moneragala, Anuradhapura, Matale and NuwaraEliya Districts holding a protest campaign together to exert impacts on the government to do justice to the tsunami victims. Members of the Southern Fisheries Organization too gave their support.